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U.S. Covid deaths highest in a year as omicron targets the unvaccinated and elderly
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U.S. Covid deaths highest in a year as omicron targets the unvaccinated and elderly
Wed, 2022-02-09 14:44 — mike kraft
“That feels quite jarring to people who may have assumed omicron is generally on a per-case level less severe and given the fact we have vaccinated at least some portion of the country,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Even if on a per-case basis fewer people develop severe illness and die, when you apply a small percentage to a very large number, you get a substantial number.”
Yet the seven-day average of deaths during the omicron surge has reached 2,600 in recent days, climbing past the late September peak of about 2,000 average daily fatalities during the surge of the more dangerous delta variant, according to Post tracking. The ranks of hospitalized patients with covid-19 reached record highs in January. Coronavirus deaths lag hospitalizations.
More than 900,000 Americans have died of covid-19.
The latest victims tend to be older, according to a Post review of federal data. Nearly half of the deaths in January 2022 were among those 75 and older, compared to about a third in September. ... (graphs)
Experts theorized hospitalizations and deaths during the delta surge skewed younger because of high rates of vaccination among senior citizens and the delta variant appearing to cause particularly severe illness among middle-aged adults compared to earlier surges. Now the age distribution of deaths resembles the deadliest stage of the pandemic last winter, when more than 3,000 were dying a day. ...
“You are flooding the system with so many patients that the crude number of deaths is going to be higher, but what we really focus on is the death rate,” said Robert Citronberg, Advocate Aurora Health’s (illionois) executive medical director of infectious disease and prevention. He noted nearly all the latest deaths have been among the unvaccinated.
There’s also a big group of patients who are politically motivated and don’t want to be told what to do,” Citronberg said. “They are willing to die from this disease because they don’t want to be told what to do, and it’s basically crazy.” ...
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