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This working group is focused on discussions about content management

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about content management and sourcing of information from Sierra Leone and bring it to the World with the proper steps.



Bob Feron Elhadj Drame Hank Rappaport hank_test jperodin Kathy Gilbeaux
Lisa Stelly Thomas Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com mike kraft

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(task) Hundreds of children across US sickened by severe respiratory virus | World news |

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health, infectious disease, children

Hundreds of children across US sickened by severe respiratory virus

Hundreds of children in more than 10 states have been sickened by a severe respiratory illness that public health officials say may be caused by an uncommon virus similar to the germ that causes the common cold.

(task) News from Environmental Leader: Apple Faces Pollution Charges — Again

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(task) How to Stem Fracking Water Use · Environmental Management & Sustainability News · Environmental Leader

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fracking, water, environment

How to Stem Fracking Water Use

More advanced recycling rather than disposal of water produced by hydraulic fracturing could calm fears of accidental spillage and save millions of gallons of fresh water a year, according to Rice University scientists.

Fwd: The Design Solution for Homelessness | Will Seattle Be the First U.S. City to Recycle Everything?

LA Homeless Article


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homeless, social justice, housing

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(task) As Keystone Awaits Fate, Other Tar Sands Projects Move Forward

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petro, climate change

Students protest against the Keystone XL pipeline in front of the White House. (photo: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)

As Keystone Awaits Fate, Other Tar Sands Projects Move Forward
By Peter Moskowitz, Al Jazeera America
07 September 14

Environmental groups accuse pipeline companies of skirting federal review to get tar sands to the US

Obama: U.S. military to provide equipment, resources to battle Ebola epidemic in Africa - The Washington Post


We have a meeting with the Ambassador of Guinea tomorrow about 17 tons of ebola-specific medical supplies we are sending to Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia this month. We will also be talking with him about setting up Resilience Capacity Zones in all of the ebola-effected communities with communications back to the Ministry of Health through the Guinea Resilience System.


Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.

Oviar Global Resilience Systems, Inc.

Executive Director
Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc.

Global Resilience System

Cell: 202-468-7899

GRS All Africa RSs and RI

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ebola CIVMIL

Obama: U.S. military to provide equipment, resources to battle Ebola epidemic in Africa

In shadow of oil boom, North Dakota farmers fight contamination | Al Jazeera America


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petro, fracking, environment, food security, agriculture, legal

In shadow of oil boom, North Dakota farmers fight contamination

North Dakota is in the midst of an oil boom. Farmers are coping with the environmental and financial costs of wastewater spills from the drilling.
Dermot Tatlow / LAIF / Redux
ANTLER, N.D. — Last summer, in a wet, remote section of farm country in Bottineau County, landowner Mike Artz and his two neighbors discovered that a ruptured pipeline was spewing contaminated wastewater into his crop fields.

“We saw all this oil on the low area, and all this salt water spread out beyond it,” said his neighbor Larry Peterson, who works as a farmer and an oil-shale contractor. “The water ran out into the wetland.”

It was August, and all across Artz’s farm the barley crop was just reaching maturity. But near the spill, the dead stalks had undeveloped kernels, which, the farmers knew, meant that the barley had been contaminated weeks earlier.

(task) Ebola Spurs A Full Public Lockdown In Sierra Leone : The Two-Way : NPR

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GRS Africa RSs and RI

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social distancing, ebola

Ebola Spurs A Full Public Lockdown In Sierra Leone


howdy folks
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