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Content Management - Global

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This working group is focused on discussions about content management

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about content management and sourcing of information from Sierra Leone and bring it to the World with the proper steps.



Bob Feron Elhadj Drame Hank Rappaport hank_test jperodin Kathy Gilbeaux
Lisa Stelly Thomas Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com mike kraft

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(task) WHO endorses blood transfusions to combat Ebola, despite skepticism - LA Times

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GRS All African RSs and RI
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ebola, vaccines
WHO endorses blood transfusions to combat Ebola, despite skepticism

(task) Delhi India Adopts Solar Net Metering | Energy Manager Today

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Delhi India Adopts Solar Net Metering

September 4, 2014 by Linda Hardesty

The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission announced rules for a new net-metering program to provide credits for solar energy contributed to the grid.

(task) Ebola's Hard Lessons

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GRI, Africa RSs and RI

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On Sep 5, 2014, at 12:43 PM, J. Stephen Morrison, <> wrote:

Can Social Media Help Contain Ebola?

GRS, all African RSs and RI

4 cover

knowledge science, social media, ebola

Can Social Media Help Contain Ebola?

Patrick Sawyer, Nigeria's first Ebola patient, collapsed at the international airport in Lagos on July 20. This Wednesday, more than six weeks later, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that it was monitoring at least 200 Nigerians for infection related to Sawyer's case. Sawyer, a Liberian-American who had traveled from Monrovia, had carried the often-fatal disease to Africa's most populous country, hundreds of miles from its origin. It was as if he had slipped through a crowd.

Interest in Solar Water Heating Spreads Globally -



renewables, solar

Interest in Solar Water Heating Spreads Globally

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SAN FRANCISCO — To produce milk and cheese for the world, dairies need cows and grass. But they also go through enormous amounts of hot water each day to flush out milk lines and clean other equipment. And so farmers on King Island, part of the Australian state of Tasmania, were delighted when workers began installing solar arrays on their dairies’ rooftops to capture the energy of the harsh Australian sun and use it to heat water.

(task) U.N. says $600 million needed to tackle Ebola as deaths top 1,900 | Reuters

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GRS, All Africa RSs and RI

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ebola, health, Africa RI

U.N. says $600 million needed to tackle Ebola as deaths top 1,900

(task) Fracking May Face Severe Water Competition · Environmental Management & Sustainability News · Environmental Leader

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water, fracking

Fracking May Face Severe Water Competition

Hydraulic fracturing companies working to develop shale gas may encounter intense competition for water, as 38 percent of the world’s shale resources are either under extremely high water stress or facing arid conditions, according to a new report by the World Resources Institute.

Ebola outbreak: call to send in military to west Africa to help curb epidemic | Society | The Guardian

GRS, USRS, All Africa RSs and RI

5 cover

Ebola, CIVMIL, quarantine, containment

Ebola outbreak: call to send in military to west Africa to help curb epidemic

Medical workers of the John F Kennedy hospital of Monrovia show the aprons they have been wearing during a strike. Photograph: Dominique Faget/AFP/Getty Images
Military teams should be sent to west Africa immediately if there is to be any hope of controlling the Ebola epidemic, doctors on the frontline told the United Nations on Tuesday, painting a stark picture of health workers dying, patients left without care and infectious bodies lying in the streets.

The international president of Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), Dr Joanne Liu, told member states that although alarm bells had been ringing for six months, the response had been too little, too late and no amount of vaccinations and new drugs would be able to prevent the escalating disaster.

"Six months into the worst Ebola epidemic in history, the world is losing the battle to contain it," Liu said.

(task) Apple's iCloud breach: It's not just about naked photos - FierceITSecurity

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Apple's iCloud breach: It's not just about naked photos

While practically all of the coverage about the possible breach of iCloud, has been about the disclosure of naked celebrity photos, the security issues with iCloud also pose a risk to data stored in in the cloud service.

(task) Zoetis granted conditional license by USDA for PEDv vaccine

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vaccines, biosecurity, One Health

Zoetis granted conditional license by USDA for PEDv vaccine
Wed, Sep 03 12:29 PM EDT

By P.J. Huffstutter and Tom Polansek

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Zoetis Inc has received a conditional license from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for its vaccine against a deadly piglet virus and will begin selling it this month in the United States, the company said on Wednesday.


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