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Ebola: Suitcase kit detects virus in 15 minutes, as vaccine testing nears final stages
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Ebola: Suitcase kit detects virus in 15 minutes, as vaccine testing nears final stages
Fri, 2015-01-09 12:32 — mike kraftINTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES by Jayalakshmi K Jan. 15, 2015
Researchers at DPZ, Germany, have developed a simple Ebola diagnostics kit that detects the virus in 15 minutes, without requiring any electricity, cold chain or lab equipment.
The diagnostics-in-a-suitcase that comes equipped with all the required reagents is operated by an integrated solar panel and a power pack.
The kit promises even faster detection than the Roche diagnostic test recently approved by FDA for emergency use. The kit would be timely in detection of cases in remote parts of West Africa where electricity and lab equipment are scarce.
It will enter a field trial in Guinea in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Senegal, the Public Health Institute of Guinea, the University of Stirling, Robert Koch Institute, and TwistDx Ltd.
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