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Albert Manero and a team of engineering students at University of Central Florida designed a prototype for an electronic arm. Six-year-old Alex Pring was the first recipient. Rather than profiting from the designs, the students uploaded them to the internet for anyone to use. - by Daphne Sashin - March 7, 2015
. . . a team of University of Central Florida (UCF) students and graduates that made an electronic arm for 6-year-old Pring using a three-dimensional printer on campus . . .
. . . got in touch with the Orlando students through E-Nable, an online volunteer organization started by Rochester Institute of Technology research scientist Jon Schull to match people who have 3-D printers with children in need of hands and arms. The organization creates and shares bionic arm designs for free download at that can be assembled for as little as $20 to $50. . .
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