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(task) EPA loophole allows streams of wastewater in Wyoming

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fracking, Montana

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Margery Schab <>
> Subject: Fwd: EPA loophole allows streams of wastewater in Wyoming
> Date: April 15, 2015 at 10:45:38 PM EDT
> To: Michael Mcdonald <>, Gina Angiola <>, Kathy Gilbeaux <>
> FYI Marge
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "B. Arrindell" < <>>
>> Subject: EPA loophole allows streams of wastewater in Wyoming
>> Date: April 15, 2015 at 1:21:02 PM EDT
>> We have to post this!
>> …they will get away with whatever they can! …note EPA being sued by employee group PEER
>> B
>> from Richard Averett - HCN article
>> <>
>> This summer, come visit Wyoming and see frack filth flowing <>  <>across the countryside...witness the total disregard the petroleum industry and the EPA has for our land & water!
>> Under these EPA permits, the companies release water onto the dry ground in quantities large enough to create permanent streams. Some flow for long distances on the arid reservation and join the Wind River and Little Wind River.
>> <>
>> Stream of wastewater flows from oilfield on Wind River Reservation. Credit; Environmental Protection Agency
>> Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, an environmental watchdog group, plans to appeal <> the five permits this week, arguing that they are illegal because they do not set limits for many of the chemicals the companies inject in the wells or require adequate monitoring of pollutants.
>> <>
>> Dirty water from the oil wells flows through oil-caked pipes into a settling pit where trucks vacuum off the oil. Then the water creates its own stream and flows through the reservation. Credit: Elizabeth Shogren, NPR
>> In responses to public comments <>, the EPA conceded that it set the new permit requirements without knowing what chemicals companies are injecting.

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