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Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security: Implications for Developing Climate Resilient Agriculture Programs

Over the three-year USAID African and Latin American Resilience to Climate Change (ARCC) program, the team used rigorous data analysis to advise USAID Missions and implementing partners on best practices for agriculture and food security programming.

ARCC’s Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments (CCVAs) help the development community understand the extent to which people dependent on agriculture-based livelihoods are likely to be affected by climate change. These assessments were designed to establish an understanding of current climate conditions, make projections on possible future conditions, and apply this knowledge to agriculture, food security, biodiversity and other sectoral development priorities. During this event, lessons learned will be discussed and formally presented as a “Compendium of Lessons Learned from ARCC Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments.”

Throughout the event, panelists will share the key lessons they learned when designing and implementing climate change and agriculture-based livelihood vulnerability assessments. They will also discuss results—uptake and utilization—that contribute to successful climate-resilient agricultural and food security policies and programs.

Agenda In Brief:

Agenda In Brief:

9:00 am — Registration

9:30 am —Welcoming Remarks, Rolf Anderson, Director, Global Climate Change Office, USAID

9:45 am — Panel 1: Designing and Implementing Climate Change and Agriculture-based Livelihood Vulnerability Assessments: ARCC Insights.

Uganda Climate Change and Agriculture Vulnerability Assessment – Patricia Caffrey, Tetra Tech Inc.
Senegal Climate Change and Food Security Vulnerability Assessment – David Miller, ACDI/VOCA
Western Honduras Climate Change and Food Security – Through a Biodiversity Lens – Vulnerability Assessment – John Parker, Tetra Tech Inc.
Mali Climate Change “Hot Spot” Vulnerability Mapping – Alex de Sherbinin, CIESIN
11:00 am — Panel 2: Uptake and Use of Vulnerability Assessments for Climate-Resilient Agriculture Programming: ARCC Insights.

Uganda Climate Change and Agriculture Vulnerability Assessment – Rita Laker-Ojok, Consultant
Senegal Climate Change and Food Security Vulnerability Assessment – Mamadou Baro, The University of Arizona
Western Honduras Climate Change and Food Security – Through a Biodiversity Lens – Vulnerability Assessment – Isaac Ferrera, USAID/Honduras
Mali Climate Change Vulnerability – Alex Apotsos, USAID/Washington
12:15 pm — Looking Forward, Robert Bertram, Chief Scientist, Bureau for Food Security, USAID

12:30 pm — Gallery Walk, Networking with Authors, and Lunch

1:30 pm — Adjourn

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