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(task) Ebola Survivor Corps Establishment Guidance Toolkit

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Ebola, Ebola Survivor, psychosocial

> On Feb 3, 2015, at 1:27 AM, Novil Wijesekara < <>> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Please find the Ebola Survivor Corps Establishment Guidance Toolkit at <>
> Please share the same at Global Resilience System as well.
> In the meantime, I am working with Ebola Scares Initiative on carrying out a pilot project of Ebola Survivor Corps.
> Thanks a lot for your contributions and your feedback is much appreciated.
> Regards.
> Dr. Novil Wijesekara
> Honorary President - Community Resilience Center
> Community Solutions Leader / National Leadership Awardee for Disaster Resilience
> Email: <>
> Community Resilience Center is a Community Solutions Program is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, and implemented by IREX.
> National Leadership Award for Disaster Resilience is sponsored by Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy of Tulane University, USA and funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, implemented by the Ministry of Disaster Management, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and the Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya.

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