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(task) Event Follow-Up: UN-Business Collaboration for Global Ebola Response
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UN, Ebola, Private Sector (EPSMG)
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Events <>
> Subject: Event Follow-Up: UN-Business Collaboration for Global Ebola Response
> Date: January 16, 2015 at 1:48:04 PM EST
> To: Undisclosed recipients: ;
> Dear colleague,
> Further to our message thanking you for attending the UN-Business Collaboration for Global Ebola Response meeting on 11 December 2014, we are pleased to share a number of follow-up opportunities to help strengthen collaboration for Ebola response and also inform a future framework for cross-sector engagement in health and humanitarian emergencies.
> We encourage you to take note of the following:
> · Consider the key themes, discussion outcomes and action opportunities outlined in the attached Meeting Report.
> · Take note of the attached statement by the Ebola Private Sector Mobilization Group with observations on the role of the private sector in fighting Ebola and promoting recovery. This statement is serving as a framework for consultations with business in Ebola-affected countries by the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) as part of UN efforts to advance early recovery.
> · Leverage <> as an entry point for UN-business collaboration on Ebola and other important issues; the Business Action Pledge on Ebola Elimination can also be signed there.
> · Share your feedback <> on your participation at the meeting; in particular we encourage you to share requests for information or support in the event that there are particular collaborative opportunities arising from the meeting you wish to pursue.
> · At the World Economic Forum in Davos next week, Ebola will be addressed in three official events <> on global health security, pandemics, and the challenge of catastrophic outbreaks. In addition, there will be various side-events on Ebola, where business engagement in emergency response, economic recovery, future preparedness and public-private collaboration will be discussed.
> · The UN Secretary-General will convene a World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Turkey in May 2016. A number of regional business consultations are being organized in the coming months to capture the views of the private sector on which avenues of multi-sector humanitarian engagement are worth pursuing at the Summit, help map concrete deliverables and identify which private sector actors are ready to take leadership.Click here <> for more details.
> · In transition from emergency relief to economic and social rehabilitation, the World Food Programme (WFP)intends to continue engaging with EPSMG members and other business leaders. Local business knowledge, contacts, expertise and in-kind support remain important to enabling WFP’s ongoing provision of logistics and emergency telecommunications services to the entire humanitarian community. In addition, WFP’s ongoing food assistance activities offer opportunities for private sector engagement on food security monitoring, local farmer initiatives, cash and voucher programmes, school meal programmes and targeted nutrition interventions.
> Please share these materials widely: we hope they will provide a helpful frame for further action and inform global discussions on Ebola and the role of cross-sector collaboration in this and other emergencies.
> Again, thank you for your participation on 11 December and your ongoing efforts to help make 2015 Ebola free.
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