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(task) An Open Letter to World Leaders, Cc: Everyone Else

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> Malala Yousafzai. (photo: Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA) <>
> An Open Letter to World Leaders, Cc: Everyone Else
> By Malala Yousafzai and Friends, Reader Supported News
> 18 January 15
> here are moments in history that become turning points. In our view, 2015 will be such a moment. It is the most important year for global decision-making since the start of the new millennium.
> We believe it's just possible that we could end 2015 with a new global compact -- an agreed pathway to a better, safer future for people and planet that will inspire all the citizens of the world. We can choose the path of sustainable development. Or we might not -- and regret it for generations to come. Which side of history will you be on?
> There are millions of voices you can't afford to ignore -- the voices of the people you represent. They are voices of all ages from every corner of the planet - the voice of a young girl currently deprived an education... of a pregnant mother deprived healthcare... of young people deprived decent work... of a family from a minority group fearful of discrimination from corrupt officials... of farmers forced to migrate to cities as climate refugees... and of billions of other people. Their voices will roar ever louder against the inequality and injustice that keep people poor. They -- and all who stand with them -- are calling on you to come up with a grand new global contract for our one human family -- and then deliver on it together. The great news is that in 2015 you have a historic chance to do just that.
> Two critical United Nations summits will take place this year. The first in September, where the world must agree new goals to eradicate extreme poverty, tackle inequality and ensure a more sustainable planet. The second is the climate summit in December where we must ensure the wellbeing of people today doesn't come at the expense of our children's futures.
> Together with critical discussions on financing, these opportunities are the biggest of our lifetime. We know from past efforts against AIDS, malaria, preventable diseases and saving the ozone layer that when we come together, so much can be achieved. Yet, with just months to go before these summits, few leaders are playing the leadership roles we need. We see climate progress but not yet of the scale that is needed, and a set of goals that are hugely ambitious but will be meaningless without brave financing and implementation agreements led from the very top.
> If this does not change, we fear you and your fellow leaders could be sleep-walking the world towards one of the greatest failures of recent history. It's not too late to rise to the occasion. We're asking you to help lead that change.
> Let's be clear: the actions we take in 2015 will decide which way the world turns for decades to come. Please take the right path.
> Yours,
> Aamir Khan, Actor & campaigner
> Angelique Kidjo, Singer songwriter & activist
> Annie Lennox, OBE, musician & activist
> Ben Affleck, Actor, Filmmaker & Founder of Eastern Congo Initiative
> Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
> Bono, Lead singer of U2 & cofounder of ONE and (RED)
> Dbanj, Musician & activist
> Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu
> Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Prime Minister, Norway
> Hugh Jackman, Actor
> Kid President - Brad Montague & Robby Novak
> Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Dir., Earth Institute & author of The Age of Sustainable Development
> Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia
> Jody Williams, 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate & Chair of Nobel Women's Initiative
> José Padilha, Film Director
> Leymah Gbowee, 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate
> Malala Yousafzai, Co-Founder of the Malala Fund & 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate
> Mary Robinson, President, Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice
> Matt Damon, Actor & Founder of
> Melinda Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
> Mia Farrow, Actor & activist
> Mo Ibrahim, Philanthropist & campaigner
> Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate
> Queen Rania Al Abdullah
> Richard Branson, Founder of the Virgin Group
> Ricken Patel, President and Executive Director of Avaaz
> Shakira, Singer, songwriter, dancer
> Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation
> Sting, Musician, singer, songwriter, and activist
> Ted Turner, Chairman, United Nations Foundation
> Wagner Moura, Actor
> Yvonne Chaka Chaka, President of the Princess of Africa Foundation
> Chers dirigeants du monde,
> Il est des moments de l'Histoire qui marquent un tournant. À notre sens, 2015 constituera un tel moment. L'année la plus importante en termes de décisions politiques mondiales depuis le début du millénaire.
> Nous pensons qu'il est possible d'achever 2015 avec une nouvelle entente mondiale, un cheminement consensuel vers un avenir meilleur et plus sûr pour la planète et ses habitants, un avenir qui inspirera confiance à tous les citoyens du monde. Si nous ne saisissons pas cette opportunité, nous risquons de le regretter pendant des générations. De quel côté de l'Histoire vous placerez-vous ?
> Il s'élève des millions de voix que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre d'ignorer. Ce sont les voix des personnes que vous représentez. Des personnes de tout âge vivant aux quatre coins de la planète. La voix d'une jeune fille qui ne peut pas aller à l'école... celle d'une femme enceinte privée de soins de santé... celles de jeunes sans accès à un travail décent... d'une famille appartenant à une minorité craignant la discrimination de fonctionnaires corrompus... les voix d'agriculteurs, de réfugiés climatiques, obligés de migrer vers les villes... des voix parmi des milliards d'autres. Et ces voix retentiront de plus en plus fort pour protester contre les inégalités et les injustices qui maintiennent les gens dans la pauvreté. Ces personnes -et toutes celles qui les soutiennent- vous appellent à créer un nouveau grand contrat mondial pour toute l'humanité, puis à le mettre en œuvre ensemble. La bonne nouvelle est que 2015 vous offre cette opportunité, cette chance historique.
> Deux sommets des Nations unies, d'une importance capitale, auront lieu cette année. Lors du premier, en septembre, les pays du monde devront se mettre d'accord sur de nouveaux objectifs pour éliminer l'extrême pauvreté, réduire les inégalités et construire une planète plus durable. Le deuxième sommet, en décembre, sera consacré au climat. Il offrira l'occasion de veiller à ce que le bien-être de la génération actuelle ne soit pas assuré au détriment de l'avenir de nos enfants.
> Associées l'une à l'autre, ces opportunités ne se représenteront pas deux fois. Les efforts déjà accomplis pour lutter contre le sida, le paludisme et les maladies évitables ainsi que pour préserver la couche d'ozone nous ont appris qu'en agissant ensemble, nous pouvons accomplir tellement. Pourtant, alors que quelques mois à peine nous séparent de ces sommets, peu de dirigeants assument pour l'instant leur rôle à la hauteur des enjeux. Sur le front du climat, nous voyons des progrès, qui restent insuffisants. Les objectifs de développement en discussion sont, eux, extrêmement ambitieux mais resteront lettre morte sans des engagements financiers courageux et un plan d'action précis décidés au plus haut niveau.
> Si ce constat n'évolue pas dans les semaines et les mois à venir, nous craignons que vous-mêmes et tous vos homologues ne finissent, tels des somnambules, par orienter le monde vers l'un des échecs les plus retentissants de l'Histoire récente. Il est encore temps de saisir l'opportunité qui se présente à vous. Nous vous demandons de mener cette marche en avant.
> Soyons clairs : les décisions que nous prendrons en 2015 détermineront le monde dans lequel nous vivrons pour des décennies à venir. Nous vous conjurons de prendre la bonne direction.
> - Aamir Khan, acteur et militant, Inde
> - Angélique Kidjo, auteur-compositeur et militante, Bénin
> - Annie Lennox, musicienne et militante, Royaume-Uni
> - Ben Affleck, acteur, réalisateur et fondateur de Eastern Congo Initiative, Etats-Unis
> - Bill Gates, co-président de la fondation Bill et Melinda Gates, Etats-Unis
> - Bono, leader du groupe U2 et co-fondateur de ONE et (RED), Irlande
> - Shakira, chanteuse et militante, Colombie
> - Dbanj, musicien et militant, Nigeria
> - Archevêque Desmond Tutu, prix Nobel de la Paix 1984, Afrique du Sud
> - Gro Harlem Brundtland, ancien premier ministre, Norvège
> - Hugh Jackman, acteur, Australie
> - Kid President : Brad Montague, fondateur et Robby Novak, acteur, Etats-Unis
> - Jeffrey Sachs, directeur de Earth Institute et auteur « The Age of Sustainable Development », Etats-Unis
> - Jimmy Wales, fondateur de Wikipédia, Etats-Unis
> - Jody Williams, prix Nobel de la paix 1997 et directrice du Nobel Women's Initiative, Etats-Unis
> - José Padilha, réalisateur, Brésil
> - Leymah Gbowee, prix Nobel de la paix 2011, Libéria
> - Malala Yousafzai, co-fondatrice du Malala Fund et prix Nobel de la paix 2014, Pakistan
> - Mary Robinson, présidente de Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, Irlande
> - Matt Damon, acteur et fondateur de, Etats-Unis
> - Melinda Gates, co-présidente de la fondation Bill et Melinda Gates, Etats-Unis
> - Mia Farrow, actrice et militante, Etats-Unis
> - Mo Ibrahim, philanthrope et militant, Soudan/Royaume-Uni
> - Muhammad Yunus, prix Nobel de la paix 2006, Bangladesh
> - La reine Rania Al Abdullah, Jordanie
> - Richard Branson, fondateur du groupe Virgin, Etats-Unis
> - Ricken Patel, président et directeur exécutif d'Avaaz, Canada
> - Sharan Burrow, secrétaire général de la Confédération syndicale internationale, Australie
> - Sting, musicien, chanteur, compositeur et militant, Royaume-Uni
> - Ted Turner, président de la fondation des Nations unies, Etats-Unis
> - Wagner Moura, acteur, Brésil
> - Yvonne Chaka Chaka, présidente de la Fondation Princesse d'Afrique, Afrique du Sud
> Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.
> Comments   <>  <>
> We are concerned about a recent drift towards vitriol in the RSN Reader comments section. There is a fine line between moderation and censorship. No one likes a harsh or confrontational forum atmosphere. At the same time everyone wants to be able to express themselves freely. We'll start by encouraging good judgment. If that doesn't work we'll have to ramp up the moderation.
> General guidelines: Avoid personal attacks on other forum members; Avoid remarks that are ethnically derogatory; Do not advocate violence, or any illegal activity.
> Remember that making the world better begins with responsible action.
> - The RSN Team
> <>
> <> <>+11# <> RMDC 2015-01-18 17:55
> Thanks Malala. You are exactly right --
> "If this does not change, we fear you and your fellow leaders could be sleep-walking the world towards one of the greatest failures of recent history."
> The only thing I would say is that world leaders are not "sleepwalking." they know exactly what the are doing. They are robbing the poor and enriching the already rich.
> Many of your co-signers are part of the problem and not part of the solution -- Bill Gates, bono, Richard Branson, and a few others.
> <>
> <> <>+5# <> Rockster 2015-01-18 22:48
> Because she walks the courage walk every day , I'm more than willing to give her famous supporters some slack. Would we rather have no hope , and no trust that the U N can grow into something really useful? It's not like I'm selling all my toys , clothes and other comfy possessions to support the needy.
> <>
> <> <>-1# <> Floe 2015-01-18 23:47
> It's not strong enough for my liking. I like Malala but perhaps she's getting a little too close to the "leaders" she is trying to convince. There is no way in my mind that any of these leaders would change a thing. The status quo is what they have to have as it benefits them. And past history is the most accurate predictor of future behavior.
> <>
> <> <>+3# <> maddave 2015-01-19 01:52
> Quote by author of the basic article:
> We can choose the path of sustainable development. Or we might not -- and regret it for generations to come.
> Unquote
> No, Ma'am - most of us WILL NOT regret anything for generations. We, the polluters, the wasters, the spoilers, the greedy etc will mostly be dead and gone. It is our progeny who will suffer and regret our selfish, wasteful, willful destruction of this planet's natural infrastructure.
> Will we hear the voices of those who are not yet born as they curse us for the toxic legacy which we leave them?
> There, Beloved, is the definition of Hell. .
> <>
> <> <>+4# <> Peace Anonymous 2015-01-19 02:51
> CHANGE! Is it really possible?
> "Americans do think different," my blonde haired, blue-eyed, friend from Atlanta said after traveling extensively around the world.
> And I agree. After spending much of the past 25 years traveling the world I have come to believe that if Americans could see the truth about themselves, and their foreign policy, CHANGE would be easy. If Americans could simply see the truth they would want to CHANGE.
> Do you find it strange that there is never any money for doing the right thing, but the killing machine gets $800 Billion a year?
> Can we examine our thoughts and beliefs and realize that we are NOT powerless? Can you see that it is only by CHANGING ourselves, as individuals, - one person at a time - that we will be able to CHANGE the collective consciousness of our world. Is it possible? I believe it is. I know millions who have done it already.
> What else have you got?
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