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(task) Watch How New Tech & Government Can Better Stop Ebola this Thursday, Nov 6

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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Peter Leyden <>
> Subject: Watch How New Tech & Government Can Better Stop Ebola this Thursday, Nov 6
> Date: November 4, 2014 at 8:05:17 AM EST
> To: Michael <>
> Reply-To: Peter Leyden <>
> Top innovators in video roundtables helping reinvent our world
> This email has nothing to do with the election. It has everything to do with our roundtable this Thursday on how to Reinvent Technology to Stop Ebola.
> It’s a good thing that Ebola is breaking out in the 21st century because only now do we have the means to stop it in its tracks. There are an array of new tools and technologies that could allow America to rapidly respond in unprecedented ways.
> One key problem, however, is getting these quickly approved and adopted by the federal goverment. So we’ll bring together entrepreneurs and innovators from inside and outside government to figure out new ways to accelerate the technology adoption process to more effectively fight Ebola – and other diseases that might come in the decades ahead.
> Join us this Thursday, November 6, at 11am Pacific for this important conversation. You'll see Garrett Gruener, Executive Chairman at Nanōmix, Inc., and founder of Ask.Com; Steven VanRoekel, Chief Innovation Officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and former U.S. Chief Information Officer; Kevin Montgomery, Senior Researcher at Center for Innovation in Global Health at Stanford and CEO of Intelesense Technologies; Stephen Morrison, Senior Vice President at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Director of its Global Health Policy Center; and Sam Bozzette, Vice President of Medical Affairs at bioMerieux, among others.
> We also expect to have a last minute participant from the White House. This is the beauty of this new medium of interactive group video, and of Reinventors - we can connect with folks in very little time.
> Help us Reinvent Technology to Stop Ebola with our partners this Thursday. If you want the best interactive experience, you can watch in the Google+ environment.
> See you there.
> Peter Leyden
> Founder of Reinventors & Host of the Reinvent America series
> Reinvent the Food Movement
> Michael Pollan, the bestselling author and a leading voice in the food movement, has a big idea about how to transform our food system.
> He sees the need for a national food policy - much like we have an economic policy - that could reorient the goals for our systems of agriculture and food production and realign the resources of many federal departments currently at cross-purposes.
> Pollan laid out his nascent idea in one of the best roundtables of the year, and a diverse group of entrepreneurs and people from the food movement spent the session refining and building on his idea, as well as challenging whether working through the federal government was the right strategy at this time of political gridlock.
> Check out the full package, including the Trailer, the 10-mintue Recap video and a blog post that lays what we accomplished.
> Upcoming Roundtables
> Live virtual events where you can go deep and engage
> New Series: Reinvent Nuclear Security
> What are the most promising opportunities for near-term innovation in the nuclear security arena? We'll be figuring that out in a new series that will soon begin.
> We are gearing up to launch a new in-depth series supported by a consortium of top foundations, including the Skoll Global Threats Fund, MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and the Ploughshares Fund. We'll be announcing more details very soon.
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