(task) Climate resilience game design - Google Docs

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(task) Climate resilience game design - Google Docs





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petro, climate change, community
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T6qeSxMsy10cuu_j9rsCfp5VzdHqrWZNmw0pShafg4o/edit?pli=1 <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T6qeSxMsy10cuu_j9rsCfp5VzdHqrWZNmw0pShafg4o/edit?pli=1>
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> Climate resilience game design
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> 98765432112345678
> “Northern Manhattan Climate Change Resilience Planning”
> Game design planning document
> Draft document - Please comment on and edit
> Summary
> ●The goal of this exercise is to design an interactive game that can support
> community-based planning efforts for dealing with the future impacts of climate change in
> Northern Manhattan and beyond.
> ●The game is an anticipatory tool for planning community responses to climate change
> scenarios that will occur within the 2014-2050 timeframe, including, but not limited to,
> heat waves and severe storm events. The game must illustrate the social and
> environmental impacts for Northern Manhattan in relation to different scenarios, including
> issues of wind damage, storm damage, air quality and flooding, and the social and
> economic impacts on low-income communities of color.
> ●In playing the game, participants will be responded to information on what the community
> impacts will be from the scenarios, along with discovering opportunities for improving
> social cohesion that can support mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of
> climate change.
> ●Given the emerging elements of extreme climate change, the game will stimulate
> prospective views of NYC by its communities undergoing transformative changes in
> environment, economy, management, governance, etc., based on current populations
> and built environments, meeting chaotic and uncertain conditions under climate change.
> ●Conventional tools for public engagement around issues of climate change typically fail at
> generating community-supportive responses to environmental and/or economic crises,
> especially in communities of color that are already at greater risk. The Northern
> Manhattan climate change event simulations being engaged here provide a different
> approach to addressing emerging crisis conditions through the lens of environmental and
> social justice.
> ●For background information about the overall project visit this​ ​website​.
> Socio-economic inequality
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