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(task) Climate resilience game design - Google Docs

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petro, climate change, community
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> Climate resilience game design
> Comments Share
> FileEditViewInsertFormatToolsTableAdd-onsHelpLast edit was made 8 days ago by anonymous
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> 98765432112345678
> “Northern Manhattan Climate Change Resilience Planning”
> Game design planning document
> Draft document - Please comment on and edit
> Summary
> ●The goal of this exercise is to design an interactive game that can support
> community-based planning efforts for dealing with the future impacts of climate change in
> Northern Manhattan and beyond.
> ●The game is an anticipatory tool for planning community responses to climate change
> scenarios that will occur within the 2014-2050 timeframe, including, but not limited to,
> heat waves and severe storm events. The game must illustrate the social and
> environmental impacts for Northern Manhattan in relation to different scenarios, including
> issues of wind damage, storm damage, air quality and flooding, and the social and
> economic impacts on low-income communities of color.
> ●In playing the game, participants will be responded to information on what the community
> impacts will be from the scenarios, along with discovering opportunities for improving
> social cohesion that can support mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of
> climate change.
> ●Given the emerging elements of extreme climate change, the game will stimulate
> prospective views of NYC by its communities undergoing transformative changes in
> environment, economy, management, governance, etc., based on current populations
> and built environments, meeting chaotic and uncertain conditions under climate change.
> ●Conventional tools for public engagement around issues of climate change typically fail at
> generating community-supportive responses to environmental and/or economic crises,
> especially in communities of color that are already at greater risk. The Northern
> Manhattan climate change event simulations being engaged here provide a different
> approach to addressing emerging crisis conditions through the lens of environmental and
> social justice.
> ●For background information about the overall project visit this​ ​website​.
> Socio-economic inequality
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Mike, Kathy,

Just so there is no misunderstanding, I’m still not able to post the non-Ebola items. I just don’t have time and indeed have to limit the time on Ebola postings as I’m entering a key phase of the research and writing for my book and the deadline is looming.

My pattern will be to try to file a few items in the morning after our workouts and then maybe again in late afternoon unless I happen to see something really important popping up if I happen to be at my computer. We really need to get another volunteer to help out.

Mike Kraft

From: MDMcDonald_me_com via admin
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 9:34 AM
Subject: [content_management] (task) Climate resilience game design - Google Docs





4 cover

petro, climate change, community

Climate resilience game design
Comments ShareFileEditViewInsertFormatToolsTableAdd-onsHelpLast edit was made 8 days ago by anonymousNormal textArialA
EditingTo enable screen reader support, press shortcut ⌘+Option+Z. To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press shortcut ⌘slash.98765432112345678

“Northern Manhattan Climate Change Resilience Planning”
Game design planning document

Draft document - Please comment on and edit


●The goal of this exercise is to design an interactive game that can support community-based planning efforts for dealing with the future impacts of climate change in Northern Manhattan and beyond.
●The game is an anticipatory tool for planning community responses to climate change scenarios that will occur within the 2014-2050 timeframe, including, but not limited to, heat waves and severe storm events. The game must illustrate the social and environmental impacts for Northern Manhattan in relation to different scenarios, including issues of wind damage, storm damage, air quality and flooding, and the social and economic impacts on low-income communities of color.
●In playing the game, participants will be responded to information on what the community impacts will be from the scenarios, along with discovering opportunities for improving social cohesion that can support mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change.
●Given the emerging elements of extreme climate change, the game will stimulate prospective views of NYC by its communities undergoing transformative changes in environment, economy, management, governance, etc., based on current populations and built environments, meeting chaotic and uncertain conditions under climate change.
●Conventional tools for public engagement around issues of climate change typically fail at generating community-supportive responses to environmental and/or economic crises, especially in communities of color that are already at greater risk. The Northern Manhattan climate change event simulations being engaged here provide a different approach to addressing emerging crisis conditions through the lens of environmental and social justice.
●For background information about the overall project visit this​ ​website​.

Socio-economic inequality

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Thanks, Mike.

Understood. Really great articles recently.


> On Mar 3, 2015, at 1:24 PM, Mike Kraft via admin <> wrote:
> Mike, Kathy,
> Just so there is no misunderstanding, I’m still not able to post the non-Ebola items. I just don’t have time and indeed have to limit the time on Ebola postings as I’m entering a key phase of the research and writing for my book and the deadline is looming.
> My pattern will be to try to file a few items in the morning after our workouts and then maybe again in late afternoon unless I happen to see something really important popping up if I happen to be at my computer. We really need to get another volunteer to help out.
> Bests,
> Mike Kraft
> From: MDMcDonald_me_com via admin <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 9:34 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: [content_management] (task) Climate resilience game design - Google Docs
> 4
> petro
> 4 cover
> petro, climate change, community
>> <>
>> <>
>> SIGN IN <>
>> Climate resilience game design
>> Comments Share
>> File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Add-ons Help Last edit was made 8 days ago by anonymous
>> Normal text Arial
>> A
>> Editing
>> To enable screen reader support, press shortcut ⌘+Option+Z. To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press shortcut ⌘slash.
>> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
>> “Northern Manhattan Climate Change Resilience Planning”
>> Game design planning document
>> Draft document - Please comment on and edit
>> Summary
>> ●The goal of this exercise is to design an interactive game that can support
>> community-based planning efforts for dealing with the future impacts of climate change in
>> Northern Manhattan and beyond.
>> ●The game is an anticipatory tool for planning community responses to climate change
>> scenarios that will occur within the 2014-2050 timeframe, including, but not limited to,
>> heat waves and severe storm events. The game must illustrate the social and
>> environmental impacts for Northern Manhattan in relation to different scenarios, including
>> issues of wind damage, storm damage, air quality and flooding, and the social and
>> economic impacts on low-income communities of color.
>> ●In playing the game, participants will be responded to information on what the community
>> impacts will be from the scenarios, along with discovering opportunities for improving
>> social cohesion that can support mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of
>> climate change.
>> ●Given the emerging elements of extreme climate change, the game will stimulate
>> prospective views of NYC by its communities undergoing transformative changes in
>> environment, economy, management, governance, etc., based on current populations
>> and built environments, meeting chaotic and uncertain conditions under climate change.
>> ●Conventional tools for public engagement around issues of climate change typically fail at
>> generating community-supportive responses to environmental and/or economic crises,
>> especially in communities of color that are already at greater risk. The Northern
>> Manhattan climate change event simulations being engaged here provide a different
>> approach to addressing emerging crisis conditions through the lens of environmental and
>> social justice.
>> ●For background information about the overall project visit this​ ​website​.
>> Socio-economic inequality
>> Toggle screen reader support <>
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howdy folks
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